Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mysterious Purple, Innocent Pink, Serious Black - The Character of Colors

Colors are associated with every possible aspect of human life. Psychology, fashion, seasons, genders, spirituality, opposites, the list is endless. The semiotic power of colors is very strong and it often communicates with humans on the subconscious level. The question is  whether the attributes of colors were acquired through their constant interaction with humans or there's actually an innate personality in them, which we pick up vibrationally.

Pink in its brightness and softness is considered a girls' color. Some of its associations are innocence, tenderness, femininity, spring, cuteness, love and many many more along these lines. Black on the other hand, doesn't let any room for funny or light connotations. Severe, mysterious even dangerous, the color of night and darkness, the color of the unknown.

Another mysterious color is purple.  In ancient times only the wealthy could wear purple, as it was produced by a seashell that only the rich could afford. So it became identified with royalty. It later became a color of mourning, much like black, so it was unquestionably adopted by "dark" movements, like the gothic subculture or by practitioners of magic. 

Wisdom, psychedelia, spirituality, mystery, all connected with purple. A color that many call a favourite. 

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